Friday, July 02, 2010

2nd Day.

Reached early for way, and it was pretty early.
Work starts at 10am but i reach at 935am?

So i so call explore the back of the building to find a coffeeshop,
for me to sit and drink before the office opens, but to what i found,
the coffeeshop is freaking like 2 blocks away!

Got myself a 'teh' and sit and stare at the people,
bunch of happy people i say. i hope so.

So i made my way back to office and woah.
i'm the 1st designer there, ouh wait, i'm the ONLY designer working there.
-.- how pathetic.

Practically, again, sat there do nothing and went i want to brush up my skills on 
Photoshop, my computer been taken away..... just only went i want to get used to Windows7 OS.
so i was like dotssssss.... and next week the NTU having graduation if i'm not wrong, and they need me.
OMG, events =  photos taken = MORE job for me = STRESS = OMG!!
and at about 5pm just now, i got my 1st design to do.
was excited but was so dissapointed as they want me to do a mock up.
okay sure i can do a mockup, but mockup of what. mockup for what,
mockup for what backdrop? so i was cluesless, and all they told me was some backdrop
that i used to see at the NUS on my 1st day of work. OKay.. so while i was doing, i asked them again,
and i receive same answer, i got fed up, go straight to the company's mistress and ask. and i got the bloody answer!! PHEW!!! so easy. She herself cant get what she wants as the Boss is not in, but after talking to her,
i get to know what to do and by 730pm i am done with 2 mockup and i nearly forget that Pete is already outside waiting for me. geez.
Sorry, i'm hardworking all of a sudden.

argh, its 12am now, gota head for bed.
work tmr.
damn, what should i wear tmr.