Friday, July 02, 2010

Definitely tired.
For the past working days that i am in the company,
i've tried giving them y best to learn in everything,
and they really teach me EVERYTHING.

Okay, so sometime you asked yourself,
that your jobscope does not meet what you're doing now.

I always get that alot,
i work as a Designer in my company,
and what am i doing outside on events?

I got to learn how to operate the large printers,
setup the event booth, the Macs the Backdrop etc.

See basically theres a lot of things that is related to being a Designer,
and being a Designer does not mean you sit, and stare, eat, sleep on edittin softwares.

There more to that.
Today i had my 1st 'un-baggin' of a Nikon DSLR.
My photographer told me to take his camera as he need to head back to office,
to bring some stuffs back at NUS.
Me being alone there, and i heard 'camera' in bag and i waste no time,
i was shock.

In that bag, was a Nikon, D3 !!!!!

But as soon i want to take some pictures, other staffs already
reach my booth and we gota set it up.

5th July, Monday, will be the 1st day of NUS commencement/convocation.
15th, July is the END date.

10days of stoning at NUS, doing the same thing over and over again.
Print print print print print print print print. 
After the event @ NUS,
i gota head back to office to edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit.....

100+++ of photos!
Hours++ of editing!
and for last few days straight,
been sleepin at 3am every single day and wake up at 8am.
5hours of sleep.

Never had hard time sleepin when i was in NS.
is it because of the shift work thats why i am able to sleep?
Or just something else that is bothering me..?

workaholic, for now.