Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1st Day

1st day at RafflesStudio was exhausted.
Head to ToaPayoh North (Braddell Rd)
as there is where my company does all the printing,
but as soon we gota head to NUS to bring back
the used backdrop etc. It was my 1st time at NUS,
and frankly, it was huge.

After packing and some elbow sweat from the labour work,
lifting and wrapping, unscrewing, loading and unloading etc,
we head back to Toa Payoh to unload the stuffs and after that i head for lunch.

I am still sweating and honestly, the spiciness of the food there makes it worst,
i was so hungry and thirsty and none of it helps.

Head back to the main office at Lavender,
and start to help and look around the company as it was my 1st day,
i got nuts to do. Went about asking the so call incharge as what i can do, and he say
for me to hang around 1st and get to know what to do.

So which i did, and my brain system broke down.
Somehow i wish to be as good as the girl that taught me
stuffs that needed to be done, but somehow, can see her job,
is so much demanding as everyone is asking her this and that,
in short, if she leaves the company, the whole company will just collaspe,
ouh, did i say shes leaving? Yesh. the one who taught me in 2hrs, gona leave all her
job to me, and i only get to learn and memories what to do in 2hrs where her experience
is 3years.

Pretty tough heh,
i thought i would try work hard for it as this might be what i want,
maybe try to hold on as this is my 1st day @ work.

But theres alot of things in my heart and mind,
that makes me want to give up at the very moment in the office,
to just stand up, get out from the office and get lost in time.
To just sit by the pavement, or just wander about and wonder,
wonder and wander my life away.

To see how my life would be if ever something happen.
Would i end up like before or thereafter, would i be deceased
in the heart, cold as ice and heartless as ripper.
I can't work with this type of emotion,
where the emotion is stronger than my will.

i can't sleep nomore.
i would wake up at 3am, 5am.
and will feel sleepy at 7am.

whats happening to me.
nothing helps.

i wish to go for a drink now.
enjoy? this is how i used to enjoy when i am sad and broken.
i don't want to be that way anymore.
it was all behind me.

some words can be erase and forgotten,
but if its faded, theres a story behind
a tainted wall.

but somehow, things happen for a reason

and i have no reason to be.
haiz. =.(

haiz haiz haiz haiz haiz haiz haiz haiz
i'm giving up in life.
theres nothing to look for.
theres nothing to fight for.
there nothing worth for.
theres nothing to smile for.
theres nothing, for me, to gaze upon.
i might be the one chasing a handful of dreams,
but the handful of dreams, that i dreamt,
need someone to share with within.