Monday, July 19, 2010


woke up today with a slight fever and such a bad flu,
and also didn't realize i have a swollen left eyebag, its like
those as though i've been punch on the eye.

it was boring staying home,
i could only remember i fall asleep after
taking the fever medicine and wake up feeling abit better.
But due to the so called 'pimple ' at the back of my head,
my head felt so heavy and keep hurting till now.

'pimple' start to grow at the back of my head only when
i used my brain abit too much. Too much of thinking and stress will lead to this.

i feel i lost my motivation again.
lost my touch on photography,
designin and perspective.

feel like talkin' to someone,
but i don't find theres any use for it at all.

feel like its the end of my life every single night.
feel as though i lost my whole life.
feel as though i lost the most valuable thing in me.
feel as though theres nothing much to see in the future.
holdin on, always, but to what, i don't even know.
hangin on, to what, i don't know.
all i can say i will fall hard and not able to get up nomore.
something is bothering me, alot.
but i can't put it in words anymore.

smile and laughters are mundane to me.
riding and gatherins are mono to me.
photographs and designs are unleveled curves now.

i should just keep quiet and be myself.