Thursday, July 15, 2010

@ 2pm.

Work starts at 2pm for me today as i got a few hours to clear.
It was a good thing as start @ 2pm and ends at 8pm.

But today they still wants me to learn printing again.
Basically how to operate the printer, yea, the huge printer beside my office table.

I'm going to strain my eyes again on the comp to see the 'differences' in the pictures.
Still can't get over what happened at work yesterday, its not as easy as it seems to just
forget. i put my heart and sweat on photography but it is still not 'there' yet.
It is so much harder than taking shots outside.

Ima work totally hard on that, hopefully able to setup a studio in my room,
as i already go the white cloth, but i think i need a place to hand it somewhere,
and model wise, brother, girlfriend or anybody in the house can do it.

i remember before work ended yesterday, i met up with a lady who keeps talking about her Uni
kid who has so much talent bla bla blah.... and she shows the work that the kid made.
i was speechless....
