at times, reality could wake us up from the deepest sleep ever.
we try to toss around in bed, still finding the dreams that we wake up from.
its not only reality that at times hit us.
when we feel it, we felt hard, like a train hit us in the head.
we drop dead silent as we could only spit anger over what happened.
in life, we can't blame anyone for our misfortune,
but like i said in previous post in knowin who we are, who are they.
promises are always been made or broken.
promises are words of fake now.
promises are words of evil that bring us up to heaven,
and drop us in hell.
sometimes, we, have a hard time to trust a person in life.
and when trust is given fully, we tend to forget till its too late,
because trust too, like promise, are meant to be broken,
as it could be break by just the slightest wind that blows.
we put our life in trust and promises,
but we are always not prepare to what come next.
next thing you know, we are the only one left in our own world.
still searching for the lost promise that we once heard.
and at times of misfortune falls on us,
we stop and think of whats good for us,
without realising what we been through
before the misfortune happens.
for me, everything is lost from yesterday.