Monday, June 07, 2010


Rush to visit IKEA, to get the table that Girlfriend wants for her room, which her sister tagged along as she also want to get hers too. We being Singaporean, must act Singaporean. So let us be the Early Bird to catch the 1st Shuttle Bus from Tampines MRT to IKEA Tampines.

And indeed, we are like the few people who are early. (WE ARE NOT KIASU) Basically theres few more people infront of us queuing for the Shuttle Bus. Hah, so THEY are the Kiasu ones....

We reach IKEA at about 930am. Abit early on the time as we plan to reach Ikea about 945am as IKEA opens at 10am. Niwae, we got in, just basically walk and stand around till the entry pole is open then we can make our way in. 

Time check was 1030am and we were abit late, as we plann to leave Ikea @ 1030am. But at 1030am we're still looking for the perfect table match.....

However, by 1110am, after munchin our so call Breakfast/Lunch, we head down to the Taxi pickup point and waited for the taxi for about 10mins. Despite our early-ness gettin the queue of gettin the cab, there aint any cab around. *blanks*

So 10mins later the cab came around and we 70km/hr zoom to Girlfriends house. Unpacked, vacuum, mop, unpacked, vacuum, vacuum, vacuum, sweat, mop, vacuum, wipe, wipe, wash....... and we are done...

BUT omg god. we have another table to fix, which is Ah Mei's.... so we do the unpacked, shift, mop, vacuum, shift, mop, mop, shift... and done....

hhhmmmmmm....... geez.

ouh. ah mei, played magic trick on us. *piakkk*